The Only Pizza Crust Recipe You’ll Ever Need


Would you think it’s weird if I told you my favorite pizza crust recipe came from a legit Goat Lady? Yeah, it’s true.

Ordering pizza has never been my favorite thing to do. If you order the wallet-friendly version, it’s full of grease and then my stomach and waistline hate me for it. If you order the pricey, uber delicious variety, then my wallet hates me for it. It’s a tough spot to be in…

Unless you make pizza at home.

I’d made pizza a lot in the past. With each new recipe, I was certain it was going to be amazing. It was awful. Always awful. If your crust sucks, the whole pizza tastes like soggy cardboard. Even my boys didn’t like those failures and you know you’ve got a loss on your hands when a little kid won’t eat pizza.

Then I saw DaNelle over at Weed ’em & Reap had a pizza dough recipe. Have you checked out her blog? You should. She writes about farming on just an acre of land in the city. She and her family also have a Youtube channel where they chronicle their adventures on their mini farm. And I mean, the girl has goats!

We raised goats when I was a kid so I am obsessed. If our city allowed it, we would totally have our own pair whether Mr. DIY liked it or not. Have you ever snuggled a baby goat? If not, you are missing out, my friend. There is nothing cuter than a new baby goat.

Whoa, I got side-tracked……because goats.

Anyway, DaNelle also has chickens and some mad gardening skills. So when I saw she claimed to have the best pizza dough recipe, I totally bought in. I mean, if a gal who likes goats as much as I do claims to have an amazing recipe, then I believe her!

Guys, she’s right. It is so good!

All you need to make this amazing dough is flour (I use half organic white flour and half whole wheat), yeast, honey, and some spices. You seriously just mix the ingredients, let it rise, and roll it out. Then BAM! Homemade pizza dough that’s way better (and better for you) then the greasy concoction from the shop down the street.

I admit that the idea of making pizza sounds complicated, but it’s so fast and easy! Definitely quicker than waiting for delivery.

I really think the combo of sweet and savory in one bite is what makes this recipe stand out…and makes me realize I was basically force-feeding my family cheese covered hockey pucks before now. Whoops. Sorry family.

Now instead of tears and whining about not being hungry, I get cheers and little feet running excitedly to the table. Thank you, DaNelle!

Homemade pizza can seem pretty daunting but DaNelle’s recipe is simple with easy to follow instructions. I hope you give it a try!





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