15 New Baby Must-Haves for Parents on a Budget + FREE Printable!

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I will admit that I’ve had a touch of baby fever lately. My sister is expecting and I am just so excited! Since my sis is as budget conscious as I am, I thought it was the perfect time for a Top 15 Newborn Must-Haves for Parents on a Budget post.

Plus, to make shopping easier, you can get my Must-Haves Checklist for FREE!


If you are expecting your first, the list of baby items can be overwhelming! You don’t even know what this tiny little person is going to be like and you don’t really know what you’ll need beyond diapers and wipes…so many diapers and so many wipes (which I won’t talk about here because we already know babies need to have clean tushies).

Now that I’m a few years out from the new baby phase, I realize we didn’t actually need all that baby gear we got. Our house was it’s own mini version of a baby store and we didn’t even use half of it!

And let’s be honest: if you are on a budget, you might not have the funds for the wipe warmer, the fancy diaper pail that still stinks, a $300 swing, and a bunch of newborn Baby Gap jeans that they won’t wear.

Or maybe you’re a minimalist mom (or dad) who doesn’t want that much clutter around if it’s not even going to be useful. I so get it!

So here are our top picks for minimal products to get you through the new baby phase.

I included links to current budget-friendly options for sale but you can always buy second-hand through consignment stores, thrift shops, or your local Facebook swap and shop groups. Just inspect the item thoroughly before purchasing to make sure it is still safe for your little one.


1. Crib

Or bassinet. Or Pack ‘N Play. Just somewhere that is safe for baby to sleep. I know an actual crib can be pretty pricey but you don’t have to sell a kidney to get a good one. I love the mid-century mod vibe of this one (and it even comes in fun colors!) and this one is great for a girl or boy.

2. Sheets (Two)

Trust me. You need two sets of sheets for that crib. Brand new babies spit up and blow out their diapers. Often. You’ll thank your lucky stars you have a spare sheet if your precious angel pukes in their own hair at 2 o’clock in the morning. Don’t ask me how I know. If I needed another crib sheet, I’d be grabbing this and this immediately.

3. Swaddle Sack

My grandma thinks we younger moms are pure looney tunes for wrapping our babies in tight blanket contraptions but my boys loved that darn swaddle! They slept so much better which meant we slept better. Plus they were born in the winter so the swaddle helped keep them warm. This is a great option.

4. Pacifier

I know some parents are against the pacifier. Some wait two weeks per their doctor’s advice (us for our first) and some offer it within hours of birth (us with our second). Whichever way you choose, you rock it like the mom boss you are. But…buy just one set. Just in case. You don’t have to use it but a tiny tyrant with a powerful set of lungs might change your mind.


5. Bottles

Whether you formula feed or breastfeed, you will need bottles. Both of my babies were fine taking these Medela bottles that came with my pump. Some babies are picky though. There are approximately 1 million bottle brands but don’t buy a ton of any one kind until you know what the baby will take to (sometimes babies prefer one bottle or nipple type and refuse all others).

6 & 7. Bottle Brush and Drying Rack

Unless you mostly breastfeed, you’ll be spending a lot of time washing bottles. This basic brush works well and to keep drying bottles organized, this rack is cheap and effective.


8. Tub

We loved this super basic baby tub and then used this collapsible number for when we traveled.

9. Baby Soap and Lotion

We were gifted a lot of baby soaps and lotions but they seemed to irritate our little guys’ sensitive skin (and my sensitive nose). When we switched to fragrance free products, their skin improved greatly. We still love this Aveeno combo (plus they both score a 2 on Skin Deep, if that’s a concern for you).


10. Infant Car seat

If you deliver in a hospital, they will keep you there until you can leave with your munchkin safely strapped into an infant rear-facing car seat. The car seat is another item that can be very pricey but if you are tight on cash, this Evenflo version has decent reviews for a lower price.


11. Footie Pajamas

We received a ton of clothes from friends and family. Everyone loves to buy cute baby clothes! But I was so damn tired in those first few months that I didn’t have the energy to dress them up in adorable outfits. But footie pajamas? Yeah, they rocked those things 98% of the time. Especially ones with the zippers (snaps can quickly become an enemy when you’re struggling to get a screaming two week old dressed).

12 & 13. Stain Remover and Fragrance Free Laundry Detergent

It never occurred to me that I would need to purchase stain remover after having a baby. We didn’t use it prior to becoming parents so it never entered my mind! But I promise, you will use this a lot.

As for Laundry Detergent, we don’t buy the traditional baby laundry soap. My mom got us some because she said it “smells like babies.” I gave it away (shhh!) because the scent was so strong! I didn’t think my baby (who already smelled like a baby) needed perfumed clothing so we choose to go with this regular old fragrance free detergent in the i dream of DIY house.

Activity Gear

14. Bouncer Seat

Even though that baby will be sooo cute (and you’ll want to stare at that squishy face for hours) you’re going to need to put him or her down once in a while to give your arms a break…or go to the bathroom. There are a lot of activity seats and bouncers to choose from, but in the beginning, we used a basic no frills bouncer seat like this more than any other item. We actually got ours at a consignment sale for $5! The best 5 bucks I’ve ever spent.


15. Gripe Water

You can’t give much to a brand new babe but this was a life-saver! Remember that colicky baby I talked about? Yeah, this was his friend. It helps ease tummy troubles, gas, colic symptoms, and hiccups.

So there we go. Everyone is different but these are the things we know we couldn’t have lived without!

What are some New Baby Must-Haves that you can think of?



15 Newborn Must Haves on a Budget

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