How To Make Super Easy Fresh Mint Tea

Whether you call it Fresh Mint Tea or Meadow Tea, this easy drink will help you beat the heat and feel fancy doing it!

Fresh Mint Tea Recipe

I grow mint in a container on the patio every year because….and let’s just be honest….mojitos are a must around here. Oh boy, does Mr. DIY make an ah-mazing mojito! Tastes like summer in a glass, right there.

But we always have an issue with our yearly mint plant. The problem is that mint is the overzealous, fast-growing beast of herbs. They are so prolific that we end up wasting a lot each year before our plant goes dormant or dies (they tell me you can’t kill a mint plant, but I always do).

That waste is a total bummer when you have nurtured, watered, and cared for a plant for months.

Since I hate waste of any sort (and no one should drink that many mojitos), I solemnly swear that this year will be different. I promise you, dear Mint plant!

Our beautiful Sweet Mint plant

This year, in the quest to figure out how to use this minty abundance, I discovered Fresh Mint Tea.

It feels like such a no brainer that I can’t believe I haven’t been doing it all this time! I mean, it’s not even really a recipe since it’s just tea! But it is so light and refreshing and I get to enjoy it any time I want…without the guilt of too many mojitos.

This tea is great hot or iced. Since we have some pretty hot summers, I’ve been having it iced with a squeeze of lemon and honey. Perfection!

See? So fancy!

If you aren’t growing your own mint, you can usually find it in the produce section at the grocery store.

I’m off to make more tea since I legit guzzled that glass. Let me know if you make your own and if you have any other ideas for using mint!

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